Getting it done.
Choosing the right words and stringing them together is only half of the assignment, maybe less. With long-form content, you’re telling a story — sometimes a complex story with lots of moving parts. The new content also needs to connect with and build on the other stories you’re telling, and that’s more about thinking than writing.
My preferred work process typically involves a fair amount of research and teamwork during conception and planning. I find it best to get fully up to speed before starting to write. I also like to have buy-in from the decision-maker on the structure and outline I create. After that, the writing portion of the project needs space to come to life — it’s time to string the words together. My clients find the process I use efficient and gratifying because it delivers what they’re envisioning without having to revise or rethink later. If you prefer another process, I’m certainly flexible.
I conceive, plan, and write:
- Website refreshes
- White papers
- Guides and e-books
- Long-form blog posts
- Collateral
- Storytelling case studies
- Content marketing campaigns
- Cases for support
- New-business pitch pieces
- Position papers
- Interviews
Revisions are included at no charge for all assignments.
How to be in the room without being in the room.
The vast majority of a B2B prospect’s buying decision is made without someone from your team being present. Gartner reports that about 95% of a buying group’s decision happens without you, and about 45% of its time is spent researching. The group is also 3x more likely to be confident in its final decision when the information you have provided is perceived to be helpful.
Your content is your proxy. It’s pivotal to building your business.
Generative AI is a welcome tool.
ChatGPT and its rivals change everything…and nothing. Your content still needs to be great, except now it needs to compete in a marketplace that’s even more crowded with cookie-cutter prose.
Please be assured the copy I submit to you is my own.
I use two subscription generative AI, or GenAI, platforms much in the same way I use Google. They’re tools. They help me learn about topics quickly and generate SEO-friendly titles. I’ve done enough tests to see the rumors are true — GenAI isn’t always truthful. So you need to double-check it the usual way. Still, I love GenAI. It’s like interviewing a super-responsive SME who never has a conflicting meeting. Sure, it likes to fudge things a little to make you happy, but you’re not quoting it verbatim, so that’s fine. It’s just a tool.
I also write about AI. Check out the blog post below on whether your company should hire or upskill to leverage GenAI.
Every project needs a strategy.
Some companies want writers to fill their websites with content to improve their SEO. That makes good sense as long as the content is even more attractive to humans than it is to spiders. Every person who lands on your site, downloads a white paper, or clicks on a content link may be part of a buying committee that is looking for what you offer. Powerful writing based on marketing objectives, customer personas, and information your prospects care about are cornerstones of an effective content strategy.
Do you have questions about a project you’d like to develop? Call or email me for a quick chat. or 404-888-9601